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Fixed Income Markets Push Low Latency

Separate developments – with BrokerTec in the U.S. and with MTS in Europe – are pointing to the move by fixed income markets into the low-latency trading space. These developments follow on from the increasing adoption of low-latency technologies in the foreign exchange markets, as latencies are pushed lower for all asset classes. ICAP-owned BrokerTec…

Viewpoints on Latency – Thought Leadership at The Cutting Edge of Electronic Trading – April 2012

Viewpoints on Latency is a regular collection of news, thought leadership and opinion from the Low-Latency.com community. Low latency is no longer about being the lowest, but about being as low as it takes. Relative latency leadership is now the goal of many, and technologies including managed services and cloud will be leveraged to achieve it in a…

High Frequency Trading Beats the Heat with Total Liquid Submersion Cooling

This white paper was written by Hardcore Computer. A millisecond delay can mean the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars for algorithmic traders engaged in high frequency trading (HFT) in today’s financial markets. To gain that valuable competitive edge, financial institutions require high-performance computing solutions that are fast, reliable and offer low latency. But…

Nexxcom Pushes Down Latency with Wireless Networks in NY/NJ and London Metros

With services aimed at the financial trading community, Nexxcom Wireless is rolling out its microwave wireless data network in the NYC/NJ and London, UK metro areas, beating the latency of fibre-optic wired services by a significant margin. The company has provided these latency figures for several popular routes: PATH LATENCY RTT* SPEED of LIGHT** Carteret,…

HKEx Announces Initial Hosting Ecosystem Members

Ahead of its Q4 launch for hosting services, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has announced 22 service providers that will set up to provide co-lo and connectivity to the exchange’s core trading platform. “The initial group of founding members, covering telecommunications, market data and financial technology services, provides an excellent base for our…

Hibernia Goes Live With NYSE/Nasdaq Link, Co-Lo

Hibernia Atlantic has gone live with a new fast fibre optic link, connecting Nasdaq’s data centre at 1400 Federal Boulevard in Carteret, NJ, with a popular carrier hotel at 165 Halsey Street in Newark, NJ, where NYSE Euronext maintains a point of presence for its SFTI network, which connects into its matching engines. Hibernia is…

Q&A – From Yesterday’s London Low-Latency Summit

Industry experts in the morning panels at yesterday’s Low-Latency Summit in London responded to a number of questions posed by moderator Pete Harris of IntelligentTradingTechnology.com. Here is some of the wisdom shared … Q: Trading firms want to be smarter, leveraging technology to be wiser with respect to their trading strategies.  Do you agree?  Where…

Coping with the Need for Speed

The need for fast trading is nothing new.  The origins of low latency trading are traced to the arbitrage desks of the 1990s, where speed and firepower were directly used to ‘pick off’ mispriced products.  It wasn’t long before other markets caught on.  Equity markets require low latency because of the widespread use of algorithms…

Q&A: Mohammad Darwish of AdvancedIO on FPGA Directions

The electronic trading marketplace has been an early adopter of FPGA technology, most often to accelerate I/O and basic feed handling. Now, firms are looking to use FPGAs for more complex business logic. IntelligentTradingTechnology.com spoke to Mohammad Darwish, president and CEO of AdvancedIO Systems, about this trend. Q: Firstly, let’s find out some more about…

Endace “To Review Options” After Revenue Hit

In a trading update issued on Monday, networking and latency monitoring specialist Endace said that expected full year revenues would fall short of estimates by 10% and that it had appointed Deutsche Bank to “review options for the future.” That usually means a company is open to being – or looking to be – acquired….